We ask that you read this guide carefully to familiarise yourself with the following important information that relates to you as a CAN property management Tenant. 


Condition Report 


As part of your lease you will be supplied with a condition report before the commencement of your lease, it must be read through and any amendments to be placed in the tenant's section, tenants have 5 business days in which to return the condition report to our office 


Rent Payments 


Please contact your property manager for Direct Debit details. 


Connection of Telephone, Electricity, Gas and Water 


It is your responsibility to arrange for the connection of services at your new home, some apartments do require you to connect your hot water service as well, please enquire the building manager to confirm. 

The main utility service connection numbers are: 

Telstra 13 22 00 Optus 13 39 37  

Yarra Valley Water 13 17 21 Foxtel 1300 785 622 

Origin 13 24 61 City West Water 13 19 71 

TRU Energy 13 34 66 AGL 13 12 45 

Please contact us as soon as your telephone is connected to advise us of your new number. 


Personal Contents Insurance 


We remind you that you are responsible for insurance of your personal contents (e.g. personal valuable belongings, clothing, furniture, etc) at your home. 


Who can live at the Property? 


Only the people originally included on your application approved by the owner are allowed to reside at the property permanently.  If a new tenant wishes to replace an existing tenant, you must inform CAN Estate Agents immediately in order for them to complete an application and have it approved before moving in.   

Note that bonds are non-transferable without written permission from the outgoing tenant. 


Change of Contact Details/Release of Contact Numbers 


Quite often the situation arises where we need to contact you urgently to arrange repairs so it is essential that we have your current contact details.  Please notify us immediately of any change or if you intend to be away for an extended period of time. There might be an occasion when your phone number will need to be passed onto a tradesperson to attend to any maintenance; in this instance, your mobile number will be provided. 


What happens if I need to break the Lease? 


CAN property management will assist tenants who find it necessary to break their lease on the following conditions: 

  • The tenant is responsible for and must pay rental compensation until the property is relet to a suitable tenant. You will also be responsible for paying re-letting pro rata value costs of 5.5% of the annual rent, advertising and any other associated re-letting charges.


Maintenance Requests 


You can submit a maintenance request by "Tapi" software or emailing your property manager   

Please refer to the “Renting a home: A guide for tenants and landlords” booklet for a complete list of repairs that are considered urgent. 




Rubbish is to be placed in proper bins as supplied by the local council and be put out on the nominated rubbish collection day.  Rubbish placed in boxes or bags will not be collected by council and this then causes problems with vermin.  At the completion of your tenancy please do not dump rubbish, old furniture, etc on the street as this also will not be collected by council and you will be charged for its removal. 


Car Parking 


If your apartment has a car park, please park into your assigned car park only. if you rented a house, ONLY in designated areas and not on the front nature strip or lawn areas. 


Locked out 


You would have to contact a licensed locksmith (or recommended by your building manager if you renting an apartment) at your cost. However, upon the landlord’s instruction, our office may keep a spare key to borrow during business hours but subject to hours and availability. 


Routine Inspections 


CAN Estate Agents will routinely inspect your rented property.  You will be issued with notice of these inspections and we do encourage you to be there to discuss any problems affecting your tenancy or contact us prior to the inspection to discuss any issues. 


Bond Refunds 


A refund of a tenant’s bond cannot be applied for until all keys have been returned to CAN property management and an inspection has been carried out.  We recommend that to obtain full refunds you: 

  • Do not use “Blu Tac” or sticky type substances to hang or place pictures on walls in such a way as to cause damage – removal usually causes damage to paintwork.
  • Ensure that the property is kept and left clean, including carpets, floors, windows, stove, bath and shower screen.
  • PLEASE DO NOT IRON ON THE CARPET.  It may melt the carpet and you will be held responsible for the damage.


Giving Notice to Vacate 


You are required to provide 28 days clear notice in writing when you intend to vacate the property.  Rent must be paid in full to the 28th day.  A tenant cannot, by law, stop paying rent for the last month assuming that the bond will cover it.   

The bond is treated separately and legislation states that the Tribunal can fine a tenant $1,000 for trying to treat any part of the bond as rent. 

CAN property management can assist you with the services needed when you move including:  

  • Finding a new rental property
  • Recommend suitable Carpet cleaning and cleaning companies

Please call us and we will be delighted to assist you. 



You can arrange to return keys to the office of CAN property management. Please note that your tenancy does not terminate until the keys to your property are returned to CAN property management – all keys including copies cut by yourself.  You are responsible for paying rent until the keys are returned.   

If you change the locks at any time during your tenancy, a spare key(s) must be provided to CAN property management within three working days.